Mansoor Tavakoli,


Department of English,

University of Isfahan, Iran













 Dr. Mansoor Tavakoli received his B.A. degree from University of Isfahan in 1992, M.A. from Tarbiat Modares University in 1995, and Ph.D. degree from University of Isfahan in 2003 in English Teaching.

He joined University of Isfahan in 1997 and now he is a professor of faculty of foreign language department of English.     



 Ph.D. Candidate, English Teaching, Department of English, University of Isfahan, 1999-2003, Isfahan, Iran.

Master of Art(M.A.),

Bachelors of Art(B.A.), English Teaching, Department of English, University of Isfahan, 1988-1992, Isfahan, Iran.


   Professional Membership

 Department of English, University of Isfahan


Research Interest

Second language teaching and assessment

Second language skills

Strategy, planning, and task



     Journal Paper

Mansoor Tavakoli, Parallel Processing and L2 Vocabulary Recall, رشد آموزش زبان-وزارت آموزش وپرورش, published 22 November 2001.

Akbar Afghari, Mansoor Tavakoli, Learner variables and ESP test performance, Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics (IJAL), published 1 March 2004.


Mansoor Tavakoli, The Role of Motivation in ESP Reading Comprehension Test Performance,         Teaching English Language-آموزش زبان انگليسي-انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبيات انگليسي ايران, Published 1 January 2009.

Mansoor Tavakoli, Behrooz Ghorchaie, On the Relationship Between Risk-taking and Self-assessment of Speaking Ability: a Case of Freshman EFL Learners, The Journal of Asia TEFL, Published 1 April 2009.

Mansoor Tavakoli, Mohammad Javad Ahmadian, The Effect of Different Types of Planning on The Oral Production of Morphosyntactic Features, Teaching English Language-آموزش زبان انگليسي-انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبيات انگليسي ايران, published 5 July 2009.


Mansoor Tavakoli, Azizollah Dabaghi, Zohreh Khorvash, The Effect of Metadiscourse Awareness on L2 Reading Comprehension: A case of Iranian EFL Learners, English Language Teaching, V.3 N.1, pp. 91-101, published 1 March 2010.


Mohammad Javad Ahmadian, Mansoor Tavakoli, The effects of simultaneous use of careful online planning and task repetition on accuracy, complexity, and fluency in EFL learners' oral production, Language Teaching Research, published 23 December 2010. 


Mansoor Tavakolia, Sima Sadeghia, An inquiry-based approach to teacher professionalism: toward a trichotomous model of critical ethnography, Reflective Practice, V.12 N.3, pp. 361–373, published June 2011.


Mohammad Javad Ahmadian, Mansoor Tavakoli, Exploring the utility of action research to investigate second-language classrooms as complex systems, Educational Action Research, Vol. 19, No. 2, published 9 June 2011.


Mansoor Tavakoli, Momeneh Ghadiri, An investigation into the argumentation in dialogic media genres: The case of sport talk show interviews, Discourse & Communication Journal, published 17 August 2011.


Mansoor Tavakoli, Alireza Ahmadi, Maryam Bahrani, Cloze Test and C-test Revisited: The Effect of Genre Familiarity on Second Language Reading Test Performance, Iranian Journal of applied Linguistics (IJAL), published 1 September 2011.


Razieh Rabbani Yekta, Mansoor Tavakoli, Abbas Eslami Rasekh, Is ESP (EAP) a Composite or Simple Construct? Spec- Reverse Engineering of a Specific Purpose Language Test, English for Specific Purposes World Journal, Vol.11 N.33, published 2011.


Parisa Abdolrezapour, Mansoor Tavakoli, The relationship between emotional intelligence and EFL learners’ achievement in reading comprehension, Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, Vol. 6 No. 1, pp. 1-13, published 1 March 2012.


Hussein Muhammadi Farsani, Mansoor Tavakoli, Ahmad Moinzadeh, The effect of task-based instruction on the acquisition and use of English existential constructions by Iranian EFL learners, Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1 March 2012.


Mansoor Tavakoli, Samira Atefi Boroujeni, The effects of Curriculum-Based Measurement on EFL learners' achievements in grammar and reading, Applied Research in English, Vol.1 No.2, published Summer 2012.


Mansoor Tavakoli, Leila Bahrami, Zahra Amirian, Improvement of Metadiscourse Use among Iranian EFL Learners through a Process- based Writing Course, Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning, published Summer and Autumn 2012.


Mansoor Tavakoli, Salva Shirin Bakhsh, Mohsen Rezazadeh, The Effect of Cultural Adaptation on EFL Reading Comprehension: The Role of Narrative Nativization and Foreign Language Attitude, The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies, Vol.18 No.4, published 15 December, 2012.


 Sarvenaz Hatami, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Role of Depth versus Breadth of Vocabulary Knowledge in Success and Ease in L2 Lexical Inferencing, TESL Canada Journal, Vol.30 No.1, published winter 2012.


Mansoor Tavakoli, Sara Hashemi Shahraki, Mohsen Rezazadeh,  The Relationship between Metacognitive Awareness and EFL Listening Performance: Focusing on IELTS Higher and Lower Scorers,  The Journal of Language Teaching and Learning, pp. 24-37, published 2012.


Razieh Rabbani Yekta, Saeed Ketabi, Mansoor Tavakoli, Change of the state representation of words in viewing instantaneous speech texts, International Journal of Applied Linguistics, Vol.22 No.1, pp. 88-104, published 1 March 2012.


Maedeh Ghavamnia, Mansoor Tavakoli, Mohsen Rezazadeh, A Comparative Study of Requests among L2 English, L1 Persian, and L1 English Speakers, Revista Electronica de Linguistica Aplicada, pp. 105-123, published 11 November 2012.


Mansoor Tavakoli, Shilan Shafiei, Amir Hossein Hatam, The Relationship between Translation Tests and Reading Comprehension: A Case of Iranian University Students, Iranian Journal of Applied Language Studies (IJAL), Vol.4, No.1, pp. 193-211, published 1 January 2012.


Razieh Rabbani Yekta, Mansoor Tavakoli, Moving Along General- Specific Purpose English Continuum in Assembling a Test: On the Dimensionality of an Admission Language Test for Accounting, The Asian ESP Journal, published 2012.


           Mansoor Tavakoli, Investigating the relationship between Self-assessment and teacher-assessment

in academic contexts: A Case of Iranian university students, The Asian EFL Journal Quarterly, V.12, N.1, pp. 234-260, published March 2012.


Maedeh Ghavamnia, Saeed Ketabi, Mansoor Tavakoli, L2 Reading Strategies Used by Iranian EFL Learners: A Think-Aloud Study, Reading Psychology, pp. 355–378, published May 2013.


Maedeh Ghavamnia, Mansoor Tavakoli, Masood Esteki, The Effect of Pre-Task and Online Planning Conditions on Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency on EFL Learners’ Written Production, Porta Linguarum, pp. 31-43, published 20 June 2013.


Parisa Abdolrezapour, Mansoor Tavakoli, Saeed Ketabi, Enhancing learners’ emotions in an L2 context through emotionalized dynamic assessment, Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching (SSLLT) Journal, Vol.3 N.2, pp. 213-243, published 2013.


Reza Zabihi, Saeed Ketabi, Mansoor Tavakoli, TESOL as happiness praxis, Int. J. Happiness and Development, Vol.1 N.3, published 15 November 2013.


Mansoor Tavakoli, Elham Gerami, The Effect of Keyword and Pictorial Methods on EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Learning and Retention, Porta Linguarum, published 1 January 2013.


Najmeh Farshi, Mansoor Tavakoli, Saied Ketabi, The Effect of Different Online Planning Conditions on EFL Learners' Writing test Performance in Terms of Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency: The Concept Mapping Strategy in Focus, The Iranian EFL Journal, published 8 August 2013.


Mansoor Tavakoli, Momeneh Ghadiri, Reza Zabihi, Direct versus Translated Writing: The Effect of Translation on Learners’ Second Language Writing Ability, GEMA online journal of language studies, Vol.14 N.2, published 9 June 2014.


Mohammad Javad Ahmadian, Mansoor Tavakoli, Investigating What Second Language Learners Do and Monitor under Careful Online Planning Conditions, Canadian Modern Language Review-Revue Canadienne des langues Vivantes, published 9 February 2014.


Mohsen Rezazadeh, Mansoor Tavakoli, Individual and Collaborative Planning Conditions: Effects on Fluency, Complexity and Accuracy in L2 Argumentative Writing, The Journal of Teaching Language Skills (JTLS), Vol.5 N.4, published 15 January 2014.


Mansoor Tavakoli, Salva Shirin Bakhsh, Backward Pragmatic Transfer: The Case of Refusals in Persian, international journal of society, culture & language (IJSCL), Vol.2 N.1, published 9 January 2014.


Najmeh Farshi, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Effects of Concept Mapping Strategy and Aural vs. Written Prompts on Writing Test Performance under Different Planning Conditions, Journal of Teaching Language Skills (JTLS)- ((علوم انساني و اجتماعي سابق - دانشگاه شيراز, Vol.6 N.2,  published 15 July 2014.



Mansoor Tavakoli, Marzieh Nezakat-Alhossaini, Implementation of corrective feedback in an English as a foreign language classroom through dynamic assessment, Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies (JLLS), Vol.10 N.1, PP. 211-232, published 2014.


Reza Zabihi, Saeed Ketabi, Mansoor Tavakoli, Momene Ghadiri, Examining the Internal Consistency Reliability and Construct Validity of the Authentic Happiness Inventory (AHI) among Iranian EFL Learners, Current Psychology, Vol.33 N.3, pp. 377-392, published 1 September 2014.



Momeneh Ghadiri, Mansoor Tavakoli, Saied Ketabi, Introducing Culturally-Adaptive English Language Pedagogy (CELP): Integrating Critical Cultural Awareness through the ‘little-c’ Culture in Iran’s EFL Curriculum, international journal of society, Culture & Language, published 15 October 2015.


Meisam, Rahimi, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Effectiveness of CALL in Helping Persian L2 Learners Produce the English Vowel /ɒ/, GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies, Vol.15 N.3, published 30 September 2015


Reza Zabihi, Mansoor Tavakoli, Saied Ketabi, Design, Construct Validation, and Integrated Application of a Happiness Teaching Perceptions Inventory (HTPI), Psychological Studies, V.60, N.2, pp. 226–231, published  June 2016.


Mohammad Javad Ahmadian, Mansoor Tavakoli, Hosein Vahid Dastjerdi,  The Combined Effects of Online Planning and Task Structure on Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency of L2 Speech, The Language Learning Journal, pp. 1-15, published 11June 2015.


Momeneh Ghadiri, Mansoor Tavakoli, Saied Ketabi, Development of a Criticality-oriented English Teaching Perceptions Inventory (CETPI) and Exploring its Internal Consistency and Underlying Factor Structure, Current Psychology, pp. 268–281, published 6 June 2015.



Mohsen Rezazadeh, Mansoor Tavakoli, Abbas Eslami Rasekh, The Effects of Direct Corrective Feedback and Metalinguistic Explanation on EFL Learners’ Implicit and Explicit Knowledge of English Definite and Indefinite Articles, Journal of English Teaching and Learning Language-مطالعات آموزش فراگيري زبان انگليسي(ادبيات و علوم انساني سابق)-دانشگاه تبريز, N.16, published 22 March 2015.


Shiela Kheirzadeh, S. Susan Marandi, Mansoor Tavakoli, Test Administration Conditions of the General English Section of theIranian National PhD Entrance Exam: Are the PhD Exam Candidates Satisfied?, Tabaran Institute of Higher Education: Iranian Journal of Language Testing, V.5 N.2, published October 2015.


Tavakoli, M., Zabihi R., Ghadiri M., (2015). Adopting a Mixed Methods Approach to Assessing Foreign Language Teachers’ Teaching/Learning Conceptions and Their Language Teaching Biases, Current Psychology, V. 34, N.4, pp. 791–802.



Mansoor Tavakoli, Somayeh Baniasad-Azad, Teachers’ conceptions of effective teaching and their teaching practices: a mixed-method approach, Teachers and Teaching theory and practice, V.23, N.6, pp. 674–688, published 12 August 2016.


Meisam Rahimi, Mansoor Tavakoli, The effect of learning English as a foreign language on the temporal and spatial perception of Persian learners, REVISTA SIGNOS. ESTUDIOS DE LINGÜÍSTICA, published 5 May 2016.



Mohammad Ali Heidari-Shahreza, Mansoor Tavakoli, The effects of repetition and L1 lexicalization on incidental vocabulary acquisition by Iranian EFL Learners, The Language Learning Journal, Voli.44 No.1, pp. 17-32, published 23 May 2016.


Fatemeh Chahkandi, Abbass Eslami Rasekh, Mansour Tavakoli, Efficacious EFL Teachers’ Goals and Strategies for Emotion Management: The Role of Culture in Focus, Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics (IJAL), Vol.19 N.1, pp. 35-72, published March 2016. 


Sakineh Jafari, Saeed Ketabi, Mansoor Tavakoli, Autonomously Noticing Incorrect Language Use:

Does it Improve EFL Learners' Grammatical Accuracy?, The Journal of Teaching Language Skills (JTLS), Vol.35 N.1, pp. 85-110, published Spring 2016.


Saeedeh Kavoshian, Saeed Ketabi, Mansoor Tavakoli, Reflective Teaching through Videotaping in an English Teaching Course in Iran, Journal of Teaching Language Skills (JTLS), V.35 N.2, pp. 1-38, published Summer 2016.


Vahid Mahmoudi-Gahrouei, Mansoor Tavakoli, Doug Hamman, Understanding what is possible across a career: professional identity development beyond transition to teaching, Asia Pacific Education Review, V.17 N.4, pp.581–597, published summer 2016

Mahmood Saadatnia, Saeed Ketabi, Mansoor Tavakoli, EFL Learners’ Levels of Comprehension Across Text Structures: A Comparison of Literal and Inferential Comprehension of Descriptive and Enumerative Expository Texts, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, V.45 N.1, published February 2016.


Javad Zare, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Use of Personal Metadiscourse over Monologic and Dialogic Modes of Academic Speech, Discourse Processes, Vol.54 N.2, pp. 163-175, published 17 February 2017.


Shilan Shafiei, Mansoor Tavakoli, Hossein Vahid Dastjerdi, Delving into Note-Taking Technique in Consecutive Interpreting: Academic Context in Focus, The Scientific Research Journal of Translation Studies- فصلنامه ی علمی پژوهشی مطالعات ترجمه , Vol:14 NO:56 , published Winter 2017



Mansoor Tavakoli, Reza Zabihi, Momene Ghadiri, Response, Resistance, or Restraint: A Triadic Model of Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions on the (F)utility of Educational Therapy and Life Skills Education in ELT, V:26, N:6, pp. 341–349, published December 2017.

 Mansoor Tavakoli, Mahbube Tavakol, Problematizing EAP education in Iran: A critical ethnographic study of educational, political, and sociocultural roots,  Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Vol.31, N.1, pp. 28-43, published January 2018.

Saleh Delforouz Abdolmaleki, Mansoor Tavakoli, Saeed Ketabi, Agency in non-professional Manga Translation in Iran, Translation and Interpreting, Vol.10, N.1, pp. 92-110, published in March 2018.

Mansoor Tavakoli, Hadi Yaghoubinejad, Nourollah Zarrinabadi, Using Motivational Strategies in L2 Classrooms: Does Culture Have a Role?, Current Psychology, Vol. 37, N. 3, pp. 477-487, published in September 2018.    

Nourollah Zarrinabadi, Mansoor Tavakoli, Differential effects of explicit and implicit corrective feedback on EFL learners’ willingness to communicate, Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, Vol. 12, N. 3, pp. 247-259, published in October 2018.

 Sheila Kheirzadeh, S. Susan Marandi, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Post-Graduate Academic English Language Skills and the Language Skills Measured by the Iranian PhD Entrance Exam: A Test Reform and Curriculum Change, International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education, Vol:6 N:1 , pps: 63-79 , published in January 2019


Shilan Shafiei, Mansoor Tavakoli, Hossein Vahid Dastjerdi, Employing Consecutive Interpreting Techniques through Task-based Approach: A Case of Iranian Learners, SKASE Journal of Translation and Interpretation, vol. 12, no. 1 , published in February 2019


Parisa Riahipour, Mansoor Tavakoli, Abbass Eslami RasekhJournal of English language Teaching and Learning, vol.11 No.23, published in April 2019


Mahbube Tavakol, Mansoor Tavakoli, First versus subsequent foreign language development in situated interaction from a Vygotskyan SCT perspective: microgenetic analysis of Persian-speaking learners , International Journal of Multilingualism, vol.16, no.4, published in June 2019

Behrooz Ghoorchaei, Mansoor Tavakoli, Self-assessment of Writing in a Portfolio Program: A Case of Iranian EFL Learners, Iranian Journal of English for Academic Purposes, vol.8 no.2, pps.44-79, published in July 2019


Reza Abdi, Manoochehr Tavangar Rizi, Mansoor Tavakoli, The cooperative principle in discourse               communities and genres: A framework for the use of metadiscourse, Journal of Pragmatics, (in press).


Mansoor Tavakoli, The Effect of Task-Based Language Teaching Accompanied by Songs

on Iranian EFL Learners’ Learning L2 Grammar and Their Attitudes, Iranian EFL Journal.


Mansoor Tavakoli, Zahra Amirian, Fatemeh Moslemi, Analysis of Interactional Metadiscourse Markers across Applied Linguistics Disciplines: Focusing on EFL Learners’ Perception, Iranian EFL Journal.

 Salva Shirinbakhsh, Abbass Eslami Rasekh, Mansoor Tavakoli, Metapragmatic instruction (6Rs) versus inputbased practice: a comparison of their effects on pragmatic accuracy and speed in the recognition and oral production of English refusals, The Language Learning Journal, (in press).


Zarrinabadi, N., & Tavakoli, M. (2017). Exploring motivational surges among Iranian EFL teacher trainees: Directed motivational currents in focus. TESOL Quarterly, 51(1), 155-166.

Zonoubi, R., Rasekh, A. E., & Tavakoli, M. (2017). EFL teacher self-efficacy development in professional learning communities. System66, 1-12.


Tavakoli, M., & Baniasad-Azad, S. (2017). Teachers’ conceptions of effective teaching and their teaching practices: a mixed-method approach. Teachers and Teaching23(6), 674-688.


Saadatnia, M., Ketabi, S., & Tavakoli, M. (2017). Levels of reading comprehension across text types: A comparison of literal and inferential comprehension of expository and narrative texts in Iranian EFL learners. Journal of psycholinguistic research46, 1087-1099.

Kheirzadeh, S., Marandi, S. S., & Tavakoli, M. (2017). The Relationship among Academic Discipline, Gender and Total Exam Score on Test-Taking Strategies: The Case of the General English Section of the National Iranian PhD Entrance Exam. International Journal of Language Testing7(2), 99-115.


Tavakoli, M., Zabihi, R., & Ghadiri, M. (2017). Response, Resistance, or Restraint: A Triadic Model of Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions on the (F) utility of Educational Therapy and Life Skills Education in ELT. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher26, 341-349.

Tavakoli, M., & Tavakol, M. (2018). Problematizing EAP education in Iran: A critical ethnographic study of educational, political, and sociocultural roots. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 31, 28-43.


Abdolmaleki, S. D., Tavakoli, M., & Ketabi, S. (2018). Agency in non-professional manga translation in Iran. Translation & Interpreting, The10(1), 92-110.


Tavakoli, M., & Zarrinabadi, N. (2018). Differential effects of explicit and implicit corrective feedback on EFL learners’ willingness to communicate. Innovation in Language learning and teaching12(3), 247-259.


Zarrinabadi, N., Ketabi, S., & Tavakoli, M. (2019). Directed motivational currents in L2 (pp. 33-47). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.


Moradi-Joz, R., Ketabi, S., & Tavakoli, M. (2019). On conductive argumentation: President Trump’s United Nations address on Iran in focus. Journal of Language and Politics18(1), 83-106.

Ghoorchaei, B., & Tavakoli, M. (2019). Self-assessment of writing in a portfolio program: A case of Iranian EFL learners. Iranian Journal of English for Academic Purposes8(2), 66-79.

Zarrinabadi, N., Ketabi, S., & Tavakoli, M. (2019). Using a person-centred future time perspective intervention to enhance EFL Learners’ willingness to communicate. RELC Journal50(2), 341-349.


Tavakol, M., Tavakoli, M., & Ketabi, S. (2019). First versus subsequent foreign language development in situated interaction from a Vygotskyan SCT perspective: microgenetic analysis of Persian-speaking learners. International journal of multilingualism16(4), 563-583.

Farshi, N., Tavakoli, M., & Ketabi, S. (2019). Receiving different types of input for learning and retention of English grammatical collocations in EFL classrooms. Pedagogies: An International Journal14(4), 297-312.

Ghoorchaei, B., & Tavakoli, M. (2020). Students’ perceptions about writing portfolios: A case of Iranian EFL students. Research in English Language Pedagogy8(1), 21-42.


Ghahfarokhi, M. M., & Tavakoli, M. (2020). The effect of technology-mediated reading comprehension tasks on autonomy and metacognitive strategy use by Iranian EFL intermediate learners. Journal of Modern Research in English language studies7(3), 45-69.


Lotfollahi, B., Tavakoli, M., & Dastjerdi, H. V. (2020). An Appraisal Analysis of Multinational Advertisements for Beauty Products in the Context of Iran. Iranian Journal of Translation Studies18(71), 45-64.


Afshari, H., Amirian, Z., & Tavakoli, M. (2020). Applying group dynamic assessment procedures to support EFL writing development: Students’ and teachers’ perceptions in focus. Journal of Writing Research11(3), 445-476.


Afshari, H., Amirian, Z., & Tavakoli, M. (2020). Applying group dynamic assessment procedures to support EFL writing development: Learner achievement, learners' and teachers' perceptions. Journal of Writing Research11(3).

Zaferanieh, E., Tavakoli, M., & Eslami Rasekh, A. (2020). Second language pragmatics development through different instructional techniques: Focus on speech act of criticizing. ITL-International Journal of Applied Linguistics171(1), 113-141.


Esteki, M., Tavakoli, M., & Amiryousefi, M. (2020). The Effects of Different Pedagogical Interventions on EFL Learners’‎ Receptive and Productive Knowledge of Formulaic Sequences. Two Quarterly Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning University of Tabriz12(25), 95-130.


Kavoshian, S., Ketabi, S., Tavakoli, M., & Koehler, T. (2020). Construction and validation of Mobile Social Network Sites Utility Perceptions Inventory (MUPI) and exploration of English as foreign language teachers’ perceptions of MSNSs for language teaching and learning. Education and Information Technologies25, 2843-2869.


Riahipour, P., Tavakoli, M., & Eslami Rasekh, A. (2020). Curriculum Reform and Iranian EFL Teachers' Professional Identity: A Marathon of Change!. Two Quarterly Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning University of Tabriz12(26), 435-463.


Lotfollahi, B., Tavakoli, M., & Vahid Dastjerdi, H. (2020). A Critical Analysis of the Iranian Charter of Professional Ethics for Translators: A Case for Revision. Journal of Language Horizons4(2), 61-80.


Shorofi, M., Sanatifar, M. S., & Tavakoli, M. (2020, November). The impact of Group Dynamic Assessment on the development of translation bilingual sub-competence: Implications for translator training. In Forum (Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 197-230). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.


Ziaee, S., Tavakoli, M., & Rezazadeh, M. (2021). EFL learners’ and teachers’ attitudes towards classroom tasks and their effects on task outcome: The case of L2 writing performance. Applied Research on English Language10(1), 129-152.


Farshi, N., & Tavakoli, M. (2021). Effects of differences in language aptitude on learning grammatical collocations under elaborated input conditions. Language Teaching Research25(3), 476-499.


Tavakol, M., Tavakoli, M., & Ketabi, S. (2022). The impact of linguistic background on the nature of classroom dyadic interactions: evidence from L2 and L3 learners of English as a foreign language. International Multilingual Research Journal16(1), 1-26.


Kavoshian, S., Ketabi, S., Tavakoli, M., & Koehler, T. (2022). Mobile Social Network Sites (MSNSs) for Iranian EFL Teachers’ Professional Development. TechTrends66(2), 196-211.


Ghahraki, S., Tavakoli, M., & Ketabi, S. (2022). Applying a two-parameter item response model to explore the psychometric properties: The case of the ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT) high-stakes English Language Proficiency test. Two Quarterly Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning University of Tabriz14(29), 1-26.


Seyyedrezaei, M. S., Amiryousefi, M., Gimeno-Sanz, A., & Tavakoli, M. (2022). A meta-analysis of the relative effectiveness of technology-enhanced language learning on ESL/EFL writing performance: Retrospect and prospect. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 1-34.


Tavakol, M., & Tavakoli, M. (2022). The professional identity of Iranian young-learner teachers of English: A narrative inquiry. Linguistics and Education71, 101101.


Tavakol, M., & Tavakoli, M. (2023). Teaching English to young learners in private sector of Iranian ELT: Challenges and local realities. International Journal of Applied Linguistics.


Parvizi, G. R., Tavakoli, M., Amiryousefi, M., & Rezazadeh, M. (2023). Simulating and evaluating individualized cognitive abilities of Iranian EFL learners in orthography acquisition using multi-layer perceptron neural network–gray wolf optimizer computational model. Education and Information Technologies, 1-54.


Rostami, S., Tavakoli, M., & Amirian, Z. (2023). Adaptation and Validation of a Measure for Evaluating Teacher Adaptability in English Teaching Higher Education. Teaching English as a Second Language Quarterly (Formerly Journal of Teaching Language Skills)42(3), 79-115.


Nasimi, A; Tavakoli, M; Rezazadeh, M. (2024). The Relationship between EFL Learners’ Self-efficacy, Strategy Use and their Performance on a Grammar Test: Is there any Difference between High and Low Selfefficacious Learners? Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning, 16(33), 391-414.


Ph.D. dissertations


1. Esmaiel Ali Salimi, Mansoor Tavakoli, Accounting for Differential Effects of Attention on Iranian EFL Learners’ Acquisition of English Collocations: the Case of Language Proficiency and Complexity of Collocations.    


2. Behrooz Ghorchaee, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Impact of Portfolio Assessment on Iranian EFL Students’ Essay Writing: A Process-oriented Approach     


3. Mahmood Salimi, Mansoor Tavakoli, On the Justification, Development and Construct Validation of a Test of Collocational Competence


4. Mohammad J. Ahmadian, Mansoor Tavakoli, Theorizing the Role of Careful Online Planning in Second Language Oral Performance: Focusing on Learners’ Cognitive Mechanisms, Task Structure, and Individual Differences. 


5. Razieh Rabbani-yekta, Mansoor Tavakoli, Justifying the Dimensional Structure of General Academic –Specific Academic Purposes English Subtests for M.A Entrance Examinations: An Upgrade Test Retrofit in Iran. 


6. Parisa Abdolrezapour, Mansoor Tavakoli, Applying Emotional Intelligence to Dynamic Assessment Procedures of Reading Comprehension in the Iranian EFL Context.    


7. Mehdi Latifi, Mansoor Tavakoli, The effect of a Self-regulatory Approach on the Improvement of EFL Learners' Listening Comprehension. 


8. Momene Ghadiri, Mansoor Tavakoli, Raising critical awareness among EFL learners through the adoption and adaptation of the principles of critical applied linguistics in the production of criticality-enhancing English teaching materials.  


9. Mohsen Rezazadeh, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Effect of Direct Corrective Feedback and Metalinguistic Explanation on Iranian EFL Learners’ Implicit and Explicit Knowledge of Linguistic Structures in their Writings: Focusing on Feedback Type, Linguistic Error Categories, and Learners' Individual Differences.  


10. Somayeh Baniasad Azad, Mansoor Tavakoli, Exploring EFL Teachers’ Professional Development through Critical Friends Group: A Sociocultural Perspective on Teacher Development.   



11. Fatemeh Abbasian Boroujeni, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Washback Effect of High-stakes Tests on Stakeholders' Perceptions and Behaviors: The Case of the General English Test in the Science and Humanities Ph.D. Entrance Examination in Iran.  


12. Meisam Rahimi, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Effect of Acquiring English as A Foreign Language on Persian EFL Learners’ Level of Construal and Psychological Distance.


13. Najmeh Farshi, Mansoor Tavakoli, Effects of Differences in Language Aptitude on Learning Grammatical Collocations under Elaborated Input Conditions


14.Shilan Shafiei, Mansoor Tavakoli, Applying Interpreting Techniques through Task-Based Teachning and Developing an Analytic Assessment Rubric in B.A English Translation Interpreting Courses: Consecutive Mode in Focus



15.Mahbube Tavakol, Mansoor Tavakoli, A Post-Vygotskyan Sociocultural Perspective on the Epistemology of Instructed Multilingualism: Implications for Instruction and Dynamic Assessment in the EFL classroom



M.A Theses


1. Bahareh Esteki, Mansoor Tavakoli, The relationship Between Individual Differences and measures of Explicit and Implicit Grammatical Knowledge: Language Proficiency, Motivation, and Anxiety in focus


2. Khatereh Behzadian, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Effect of Input Enhancement and Concordance-based Activities on Iranian EFL Learners’ Acquisition and Retention of Phrasal verbs


3. Edna Yegani, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Effect of the Utilization of Electronic Dictionaries on Depth and Breadth of Vocabulary Knowledge: A Case of Iranian EFL Learners


4. Hossein Mohammadi, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Effect of Task-Based Instruction on the Acquisition  and Use of English Existential Constructions


5. Rasool Jafarinejad, Mansoor Tavakoli, Investigating the Relationship between Discourse Markers, Language Proficiency and Reading Comprehension: A Case of Some Iranian University Students


6. Leila Bahrami, Mansoor Tavakoli, Investigating Frequency, Appropriacy and Diversity in the Development of Interactive Metadiscourse Resources in the Writings of Iranian EFL Learners: A Process-Based Approach to Writing


7. Seyed Mahmood Kazemi, The Effect of Strategic Reading Instruction on Iranian EFL Learner’s Reading Comprehension: Learners’ Metacognitive Awareness and Reading Proficiency in Focus


8. Mani Jouzdani, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Relationship between Interpersonal and Intra-personal Intelligences and Vocabulary Learning Strategies: The Case of Iranian EFL Learners


9. Maryam Bahrani, Mansoor Tavakoli, Cloze Test and C-test Revisited: The Effect of Genre  Familiarity on Second Language Reading Test Performance


10. Masoud Soleimani, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Effect of L1 Literacy Development at Elementary Levels on L2 Mechanics of Writing:A Case of Iranian Young Learners of English


11. Masumeh Sokhangoo, Mansoor Tavakoli,  The Influence of Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction and Strategy Instruction on Reading Comprehension and Motivation of Persian EFL Learners



12. Mitra Sezavar, Mansoor Tavakoli, The effects of key-word and context methods on pronunciation and receptive/ productive vocabulary of low-intermediate Iranian EFL learners: short-term and long-term memory in focus


13. Mohammad Amin Mokhtari, Mansoor Tavakoli, Investigating the Relationship between Second Language Tolerance of Ambiguity and Language Learning Strategy Use across Different Levels of Language Proficiency


14. Mohammad Javad Ahmadian, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Effects of Simultaneous Use of Online Planning and Task Repetition on Accurate and Fluent Oral Production of Morphosyntactic Features


15. Mohsen Rezazadeh, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Effects of Individual and Collaborative Planning on Fluency, Complexity, and Accuracy in L2 Written Production of Iranian EFL Learners: Focusing on the Relationship among Planned Conditions, Language Proficiency, and Task Type


16. Najmeh Farshi, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Effects of Aural and Written Prompts through Different Online planning conditions on EFL learners' writing test performance in terms of complexity, accuracy and fluency:  The strategy of concept mapping in focus


17. Saeedeh Esmaeli, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Effect of L2 Morphological Awareness on Receptive and Productive Vocabulary Knowledge: A Case of Iranian Intermediate EFL University Students


18. Samira Atefi Borujeni, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Effect of Curriculum-Based Measurement on Learners' Achievement in Reading and Grammar: A Case of Iranian High School Students


19. Samira Ghanbaran, Mansoor Tavakoli, The effect of multimedia games on Persian EFL learners' incidental vocabulary learning and retention


20. Samira Hayati samian, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Relationship Between Iranian EFL Learners' Beliefs  about Rote Learning, their Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies and their Success in Vocabulary Learning: A Think-Aloud Protocol Study


21. Sara Hashemi Shahraki, Mansoor Tavakoli,  The effect of formal and content schemata and depth of vocabulary knowledge on listening comprehension and its sub-skills


22. Sarvenaz Hatami, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Relationship between Depth and Breadth of Vocabulary Knowledge and EFL Learners' Ease of and Success in Lexical Inferencing.


23. Sudabeh Soheili, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Effect of Incidental Vocabulary Learning on Vocabulary Retention and Recall: A Case of Iranian EFL


24. Zhaleh Abdollahi, Mansoor Tavakoli, The effect of translation of test method facets (input and response) on high and low-intermediate EFL learners’ performance on reading comprehension tests


25. Zohreh   Khorvash, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Effect of Metadiscourse Awareness on Learners’ Reading Comprehension in English as a Foreign Language


26. Negin Karami, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Relationship between Affix Knowledge, Vocabulary Depth and Iranian Lower-intermediate EFL Language Aptitude


27.Elham Reisian, Mansoor Tavakoli, Effects of Pressured and Unpressured Planning Conditions on Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency in L2 Argumentative Writings of Iranian Upper-intermediate EFL Learners Focusing on Creativity


28.Samar Eslamian, Mansoor Tavakoli, The Influence of Syntactic Priming vs. Focused Tasks on the Use of Formulaic Sequences: Retention in Near and Far Tasks in Near and Far Tasks in Focus


29.Sara Ziaei, Mansoor Tvakoli, EFL Learners’ and Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Classroom Tasks and Their Effects on Task Outcome: The Case of L2 Writing Performance.


Conference Paper

Javad Zareh , Mansoor Tavakoli, Frequency and diversity of personal metadiscourse across monologic and dialogic modes of academic speech”,  the 12th international tellsi conference, university of sistan and baluchestan, Zahedan, 2015.


Mansoor Tavakoli, “The Effect of Portfolio Assessment on Students'' achievement in EAP Context”, The 3ed conference on Issnes in TEFL in Iran, Departement of English Facultyf foreign languages, Tehran Universit, Tehran, 1384.


 Mansoor Tavakoli, Assessing Oral Ability in EAP Context”, The fourth International ELT Research Conference Reflecting on insights from ILT Research, Yadem (Foreign Language Education and Research Center), Turkey, 2005.


Mansoor Tavakoli, “Investigating the Relationship between Performance Testing and Alternative Assessments in Academic Context”, Third TELLSI Conference, Shiraz University.


Mansoor Tavakoli, “Investigating the Relationship between Language Testing and SLA : Toward a Multi-level view of Second Language Assessment”, 4th Conference on Issues in TEFL in Iran, Tehran University.




         Nourollah Zarrinabadi, Saeed Ketabi, Mansoor Tavakoli (2019). Directed  Motivational Currents in L2. Switzerland; Springer.






Teaching methodology

English for especial purposes(ESP)

Teaching language skills

Testing and translation

Advanced issues in language testing Ph.D.




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Address: Department of English, Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Isfahan, Hezar Jerib St., Isfahan 81746-73441, IRAN



All right Reserved for Mansoor Tavakoli, University of Isfahan

Last updated: January 2014